Church of England - logo St John's Church Watford

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Contact details

St John's Church
Sutton Road
WD17 2QQ

Vicar | Fr Corniel Quak

vicar @

01923 236174

Available Saturday to Thursdays

Parish Administrator

administrator @

07462 201903

Upcoming Services and Events

Monday 10th March
8.00am - Morning Prayer

Tuesday 11th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer

Wednesday 12th March
10.00am - Said Mass with Lectio Divina

Thursday 13th March
7.30pm - Said Mass, Exposition and Benediction

Friday 14th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer

Sunday 16th March
The Second Sunday of Lent
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns
12.00pm - Bring and Share Parish Lunch (sign up)

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