A previous Vicar of St John’s, Fr Richard Salter, once said: “the only time children’s noise in church is a problem is when there isn’t any”.
25 years later we still agree and during our Sunday morning Parish Mass, children and young people play and learn at the front of church, and so remain completely part of the service. Chrissie, our Children’s Missioner leads them with creative and play-based activities relating to the theme of the service.
Older children are encouraged to do readings, lead intercessions, help with the collection, and serve at the altar. Children are very welcome to receive Holy Communion, and we leave this to the discretion of their parent(s) or carer(s).
The safety of our young church members is our primary concern, and we have a variety of policy and consent documents available for parents to read. For peace of mind, all of our Young Church adult leaders are DBS checked.
Monday 10th March
8.00am - Morning Prayer
Tuesday 11th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer
Wednesday 12th March
10.00am - Said Mass with Lectio Divina
Thursday 13th March
7.30pm - Said Mass, Exposition and Benediction
Friday 14th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer
Sunday 16th March
The Second Sunday of Lent
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns
12.00pm - Bring and Share Parish Lunch (sign up)
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