Church of England - logo St John's Church Watford

Music at St John's

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St John’s no longer has a choir, but we are grateful to our former Director of Music, Richard Bond who most Sundays leads our sung worship on the piano. On other Sundays we welcome visiting organists.

We use a variety of congregational mass settings, including the Mass of St Thomas by David Thorne, The Addington Service by Richard Shephard and The New People's Mass by Dom Gregory Murray. We use the 2013 edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern, allowing us to sing a mix of different hymns and songs.

The pipe organ was built in 1911 by the renowned firm of J.W. Walker and Sons, Ltd, and essentially unchanged since then. It has a special status, having received a Historic Organ Certificate (Grade II*) from the British Institute of Organ Studies.




Upcoming Services and Events

Monday 10th March
8.00am - Morning Prayer

Tuesday 11th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer

Wednesday 12th March
10.00am - Said Mass with Lectio Divina

Thursday 13th March
7.30pm - Said Mass, Exposition and Benediction

Friday 14th March
5.30pm - Evening Prayer

Sunday 16th March
The Second Sunday of Lent
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns
12.00pm - Bring and Share Parish Lunch (sign up)

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