Church of England - logo St John's Church Watford

Our Services

Worship has been offered at the site of St John’s since 1873 and the current building was finished and dedicated in 1893. Worship at St John’s has always been sacramental in nature, with the Eucharist being the central act of worship.

Our worship continues to be centred around the celebration of the Eucharist, but now uses the more accessible and modern language of Common Worship. We use incense, vestments and candles, and sing hymns accompanied either on the organ or the piano. Our usual pattern of services is as follows:

Sunday | 10:30am | Parish Mass with activities for children, lasting around an hour with refreshments afterwards.

Monday | 9:30am | Morning Prayer - an opportunity to pray for the world, the church and our parish and the week ahead.

Wednesday | 10:00am | Said Mass with a short period of private Lectio Divina following the readings. Refreshments served afterwards.

Other seasonal services will be advertised on our Facebook page, and our Church calendar.



Join Our Events This Week

Tuesday 24th December
Christmas Eve
4.00pm - Crib Service
11.30pm - Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Day
10.30am - Christmas Day Mass

Sunday 29th December
The First Sunday of Christmas
8.00am - Said Mass
10.30am - Service of the Word

Details of Christmas services at St John's are now available on our Christmas 2024 page.