Church of England - logo St John's Church Watford

Christmas at St John's

Christmas Services banner

Christmas is a wonderful time and everyone is invited to join us as we celebrate this fantastic occasion, which lies at the heart of our Christian beliefs. Everyone is warmly welcomed to all or some of these services, whether regular churchgoers or not.

Third Sunday of Advent - 15th December

10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns

Our regular Sunday morning service.

4.00pm - Christingle

Family fun as we discover the Christmas story with Christingles and carols.

Fourth Sunday of Advent - 22nd December

10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns

Our regular Sunday morning service.

6.00pm - Brass and Carols

Get in the festive mood with traditional carols, Christmas readings, mulled wine and music from The Brass Foundry.

Christmas Eve - Tuesday 24th December

4.00pm - Crib Service

Join us as baby Jesus arrives in his manger in the stable.

11.30pm - Midnight Mass

The first mass of Christmas as we celebrate the joy of the incarnation, the birth of Jesus - Emmanuel: God with us.

Christmas Day - Wednesday 25th December

10.30am - Christmas Day Mass

An interactive, all-age service to celebrate Christmas Day.



Upcoming Services and Events

Monday 20th January
9.30am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday 22nd January
10.00am - Said Mass

Sunday 26th January
The Third Sunday of Epiphany
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns