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Annual Report and Accounts

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The preparation of a written Annual Report, like the preparation of the financial statements, is the joint responsibility of the whole PCC. It puts the PCC's financial statements into perspective and relates them to the wider life of the church. It will review the past year and link financial plans to the vision for the future.

The report is a significant document in the life of the church and is written for the general public as well as for church members, in line with Charities Act regulations and The Church Representation Rules.

Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2021


Join Our Services This Week

Monday 22nd July
9.30am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday 24th July
10.00am - Said Mass

Sunday 28th July
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns
Download the service booklets for this service

Morning Prayer Cancellations

Please note that there will be no Morning Prayer at St John's on the following Mondays in July and August - 29th July, 5th August, 12th August and 26th August.

Wednesday Mass Cancellations

Please note that there will be no Wednesday Mass at St John's on 31st July and 7th August.